Thursday 23 July 2015

Activities to Engage your Kids

1. Explore the neighbourhood
neighbourhood walk
Have you ever brought your kids on a walk around the neighbourhood? A leisurely, unhurried, without-an-agenda walk? Try it and see what you and your kids get to notice as you explore your neighbourhood. To make it more fun, let them bring along a camera to take photos of whatever things that interest them. You can even print out those photos and create a scrapbook!

2. Do housework
Here is another chore that we are so used to doing and which most of us dread. However, most kids, especially those who are still far from the teenage years, love doing household chores! Hand them the vacuum cleaner, mop and cloth, and let them help with some spring cleaning of the house.

3. Science experiments
fun science
Are there any Science experiments that your kids have been wanting to try out but you’ve not had the time to do them during schooldays? Now is the best time to get the materials and spend a few hours letting the kids be little Scientists.
4. Build a city
building with blocks
Use Lego, building blocks, recycled boxes to build a city. Make it more challenging and fun by using these paper house templates. Add in toy vehicles and your kids can spend hours creating and playing with their little city.
5. Have an indoor picnic
indoor picnic

Saturday 11 July 2015

Jokes for the week


Jokes for the week


If a Child Lives With... 


If a child lives with criticism He learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility He learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule He learns to be shy.
If a child lives with jealousy He learns to feel guilty.
But if a child lives with tolerance He learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement He learns self-confidence.
If a child lives with praise He learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness He learns justice.
If a child lives with approval He learns to like himself.
If a child lives with security He learns to have faith.
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship He learns to find love in the world.

By: Dorothy Law Nolte

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Indoor Fun this holiday for children

Small spaces and bored kids are detrimental to parents’ peace of mind. With the weather in Singapore being rather unpredictable, plan for some fun activities you can do together with your children at home. Switch off the television and computer games as these gadgets occupy all the senses and keep family members from relating to one another.

1. Spring Cleaning

Organise the family. Pick a room in the home to clean. Make it a game. Kids do not mind the chores as long as they can spend time with you. As you pick up an old family album, tell them about your roots. These special moments will create a canvas of memories that last a life time.

2. Cookery Classes

Get the kids into the kitchen. This real-life lab is a great place to have fun and learn important life skills. You do no have to cook like a gourmet chef to teach your kids how to cook up a meal or prepare a drink.

3. Art Escape

Pull out the drawing block, the crayons, paints, scissors or paper. Work together with your kids to create family art pieces that you can proudly archive. Change the theme or the art medium to add fun to each session.

4. Board and Card Games

Good old fashioned board and card games are a great way to keep kids from getting bored. Monopoly, Scrabble, Snakes and Ladders, Checkers, and Snap are all great games that allow the players to have a great time.

5. Music and Drama

Set kids out to put up a play or a musical at the end of the holiday. You may invite proud grandparents, aunts and uncles to watch the show. Use the game plan to teach new songs, learn dance steps and practice the parts in a small play. Create costumes and backdrops to host the event and before you know it, by the end of the holiday your little one has learnt so many skills that will build confidence.

Top education apps for the holidays

This Holiday, children need a break from the structure of school, but subtle learning can continue with these apps, says Sebastien Breteau


Children have a natural curiosity to explore, so learning through play can be highly engaging and effective for children. When playing, a child is an active learner and can acquire both social and intellectual skills.
The recent explosion of educational apps available for children to play with on tablet computers is transforming education in schools and at home. When using apps, children are in control, they can experiment, learn from their mistakes, and progress at their own speed.
Through our work with children and teachers both in the UK and in developing countries, we are seeing very positive results from children learning through play with educational apps in the areas of numeracy, literacy, critical thinking and creativity. These results are independent of nationality, ability and household income.
Over the holidays, children need a break from the structure of classroom learning with self-directed play, reconnecting with siblings, friends and family. It’s important not to spend all day on devices, particularly at this time of the year, but I believe a lot can be learned with well-selected apps.
A child’s opportunities to learn in their pre-school years has a significant impact on their success in primary school and thereafter. Apps like Montessori Crosswords (iPhone) build an early foundation of literacy for the under-fives, with animations and sounds specially suited to young children, to develop their reading, writing and spelling.
Learning at a pace that is right for them is so important for children at primary-school level and there are many apps that allow them to do this, including Montessori 1st Operations (Android/ iPhone). It offers a clear and simple approach to maths - with added monsters - that adapts to a child’s progress.

Slice Fractions (Android/ iPhone) is another app that makes maths fun for primary school children, as they help a cartoon mammoth make its way through ice and lava by solving fractions.
Built on a strong pedagogical foundation, Slice Fractions enables a deeper understanding of fractions as children explore and play to learn.
It is not only specific skills that apps can develop but those that are broad and transferable as well. Logic and creativity will serve children well throughout their education, and Pettson’s Inventions Deluxe (Android/ iPhone) suits all ages, with the options of challenging a friend or competing against the clock to complete clever inventions.

If you have more than just the little ones to entertain over Christmas then introduce the whole family to the Little Things app (Android/ iPhone) - a seek and find puzzle-solving game with lively music and graphics.

The doctors of the future will be left spell-bound by Tinybop’s Human Body app (Android/ iPone), which is an animated and interactive working model of the body. Children will enjoy seeing the results of feeding, tickling and poking the body.

One skill that will be in the limelight for years to come is coding. In September, a new curriculum introduced it to all children from the age of five in England and, earlier this month, schools all around the world took part in the Hour of Code, an online event teaching the basics of coding.

There are a number of apps to help children gain an understanding of coding, including The Foos (Android/ iPhone), which helps them learn core computer science concepts by programming cute characters in a virtual world.

Technology will be fundamental to how children study and socialise in their teenage years and how they work in adult life. But now it should be enjoyed for the fun that it offers and its potential to excite and inspire young minds.

Sunday 5 July 2015

Scouting for a school?

If you want to change your child’s school when the new school year begins, the key to choosing the right school for your child is doing thorough research. Make sure any and all questions you have are answered comprehensively so that you have a complete understanding of the school, and its educational philosophy.


How to engage children during holidays

How to engage children during holidays
For children, holidays are the best time to have fun and play. But not the same story for most parents. To many parents, entertaining children can be a tricky venture especially during a long vacation like this.
While this is the best time for parents to know their children better, they are sometimes bereft of ideas on how to engage them.
Helpless and don’t know how to ward off the hustle and bustle of kids this holiday? These tips should help keep you on top of the situation no matter what age they are.
– Get them in the kitchen
This is the time to take them on some cooking lessons. There are loads of recipes you can try out with your children but you can start with the simplest ones. Be sure to allow them try out their hands at dishes they simply adore. They may not particularly enjoy the results, but you’re teaching them about taste, as well as having fun!
– Get them gardening
Growing plants is great fun and it’s even more fun, if they can watch their work get bigger and flower before their eyes. There are lots of plants that even a young child can grow without too much trouble, from small trees to herbs and vegetables.
If you don’t have a garden, then a window box or small pots are the answer and it won’t matter what time of the year you plant them. Try growing vegetables, or fruits – that way they can eat them once they’ve grown.
– Play some sports
Look out for local leisure centres and enroll your kids. They have loads of opportunities to learn new sports, from martial arts to badminton, football to trampolining, swimming to tennis. What’s more? They usually provide the equipment so you won’t have to shell out for lots of expensive kit, until they’re totally hooked!
– Check out your local library
If you haven’t managed to create a bookworm, then this could be the perfect place to start. There’s something for everyone here, regardless of whether they’re a sports buff, adventure fan or prefer something more girly. Best of all, if they find some they like, it costs nothing to take them out!
– Visit the zoo
Introduce your children to animals by taking them to a farm or a zoo where they can see first hand, those animals they have only seen and read about on paper. Many of them cost less to get into. It’s a great opportunity to get up close to wildlife, especially if your child’s only previous contact has been with a cat or dog.
 Visit a museum
Let your child learn a bit of history by taking them on a visit to the museum. There are loads of interesting things to be seen and it’s a sure way of pampering their curiosity.
– Take them to their grandparents
Most kids love visiting their grandparents. So, this time, why not get your son or daughter to ask them what it was like when they were kids? What did they do to pass the time? What were their favourite toys? Did they watch TV? They’ll be surprised by the answers.
-Teach them to knit
While this one’s probably for the girls, some boys might be interested. Teach them how to knit simple things like head warmers, gloves, pencil cases, socks and mufflers. Encourage them to wear or use these things after they might have finished making them.
-Send them to summer camp
Summer camps are a great way to enhance your child’s socialising skills. Also it’s a good place for them to learn new skills and put it into practice.

5 Ways to Share Your Passion for Learning

Lessons on Sharing Your PassionMany passionate teachers would verify that they entered the field of teaching because they love it. Not only do they love teaching others, but the subject material they teach thrills them. Stories abound of would-be teachers switching out of college majors to pursue the career they love. In other cases, teachers work with their subject material – whether it be English, Math, Science, or whatever – in arenas beyond just their classroom. They gravitate towards those venues. They feel complete when they work with and talk about what they love.
And then they meet students who are, shall we say, not quite as enthusiastic. Some teachers can be caught up in a moment of pure passion when talking about a topic without realizing their audience doesn’t exactly sympathize with their sentiment.
The truth is that teachers regularly love “this stuff,” whatever it is they may be teaching. The question is, “How can passionate teachers get their students to be passionate, too?” After all, unless students have some degree of interest in the topic, they are not going to be motivated to excel.
  1. Be open with your own passion. It’s unbelievably boring to learn from someone who doesn’t even seem to care about what they are saying. It’s incredibly inspiring, on the other hand, to have someone talk about a topic with pure joy. If you love something, then show it. It’s contagious.
  2. Regularly apply your passion, and tell your students. Be an example. If you were thinking about something, working on a project, or just walking along and found something interest that relates to class, tell you students about the experience. What you and your students talk about doesn’t have to be isolated to your classroom. Let them see how what you’re teaching applies to the world beyond the classroom.
  3. Get students to apply it, too. Whatever your content is, if students have experience applying that knowledge to more than a test, they’ll be hooked. The world is diverse and fascinating. Classrooms, on the other hand, are abysmally isolating at times. Give them a glimpse of the real world.
  4. Passion is cool. At least, that what we adults think. Students often shy away from becoming too “academic” or “nerdy” because school isn’t always presented as something cool. But it is. Constantly remind students that being smart, passionate, engaged people is cool – and give them plenty of opportunities to be cool.
  5. Set goals and reward improvement. When students set a goal for their own academic growth, half the battle is already won. Now they have an internal motivating factor that will help propel them to that next level of success. And lavishly reward students who make any improvements.
Turning even just one student onto a particular topic is not easy, and getting an entire class passionate is a true challenge. But with the right enthusiastic atmosphere, students might just realize that learning can be really, really cool.

By: Jordan Catapano

Now you tell us: how do you share your passion for the subject you teach? Leave your reply in the comments section, below

Jokes for the week

Teacher Jokes

For a quick giggle, some side-splitting teacher’s jokes have been compiled and concocted for us to laugh our way through next week.

* Kid comes home from 1st day at school. Mum asks, 'What did you learn today?' Kid replies, 'Not enough. I have to go back tomorrow.'

* Pupil: Teacher, would you punish me for something I didn't do?
    Teacher: Of course not
Pupil: Good, because I didn't do my homework

* Stressing the importance of a good vocabulary, the teacher told her young charges, "Use a word ten times, and it shall be yours for life."

From somewhere in the back of the room, came a small male voice chanting, "Amanda, Amanda, Amanda, Amanda, Amanda, Amanda, Amanda, Amanda, Amanda, Amanda."

* Does it count as differentiated instruction if I print their worksheets in different colours?

* Pupil: I don't think I deserved zero on this test!
Teacher: I agree, but that's the lowest mark I could give you!

* What do you call a teacher without students?

* Teachers deserve a lot of credit. Of course, if we paid them more, they wouldn’t need it.

* Teacher: I want you to tell me the longest sentence you can think of
Pupil: Life imprisonment!

What do you call a teacher without students?
Broke…oh wait, that’s a regular teacher

Tuesday 30 June 2015

10 Lies We Have Told Ourselves that Held Us Back From Success

Are you holding yourself back from success? Many people struggle to reach their full potential because they are scared of failing. People often tell little lies to themselves, but these lies could be destructively affecting your life. It is important to get rid of negative thoughts so you can reach your full potential.
Here are 10 common lies we tell ourselves which hold us back from success.

1. “This has been a really hard day. Why am I even doing this?”

Successful people always remember to look at the bigger picture. Knowing you are working towards something great gives you emotional strength, and will also encourage you to work harder.

2. “I’ve done everything I can.”

If you believe there is the possibility you could have done a little more work for amazing results, then push yourself to do that work. You may have done the task, but make your work memorable by making it excellent.

3. “This situation makes me feel miserable, but I don’t have a say in the matter.”

Whether the situation is a relationship or a job, there is a reason it is making you feel miserable. While it can be difficult to push forward and move on, remember that you won’t get different results and achieve success without making a change.

4. “I don’t know how to start.”

If someone extremely successful didn’t know how to start, they would attempt to teach themselves. Try not to let a lack of self-confidence stop you from achieving your goals.

5. “I don’t have any money.”

If you have money in your bank account, you do have money – you just may not be investing it wisely. Your money is only your responsibility, so before you buy something, try asking yourself this; “Will I regret spending this money in this way in a year?” Always make sure that you use your resources to push yourself forward and not to drag you back.

6. “I’ve been offered a great opportunity, but I would have to put in too much effort.”

If you wish to achieve success in both your personal and professional life, never choose short-term comfort over a long-term reward. If you wish to be successful, it is important to be willing to work hard, so you can reap the rewards.

7. “I’m too tired right now.”

Try not to give yourself excuses when it comes to anything important. If you are physically too tired to do a task, you can do it when you wake up. There isn’t anything wrong with putting in a few extra hours of work – in the long run, it will probably benefit you more than your boss.

8. “I seriously doubt I can do this on my own.”

For most great achievements, someone had to do it by themselves first. Give yourself the chance to fail – or be extremely successful. Try not to worry and throw yourself into the task; you could impress yourself. After all, you are the only person you can really count on. Don’t let yourself down!

9. “Trying to make sure everyone is happy with me is very important.”

Many people naturally try to please everyone, but it can be time-consuming and stressful. To achieve success it is important to work hard, but don’t let yourself be taken advantage of. Instead live your life trying to please the right people, rather than all of the people.

10. “I’m good, but there are others who are better.”

Thinking this is self-sabotage, and it will hold you back from success. This thought shows a lack of confidence and doesn’t focus on what matters; it isn’t about being as good as others, it is about achieving your personal best. Instead of idolizing others, work on making yourself amazing instead.

Do you know any other thoughts that could hold you back from success?

To read more, visit;

Failing vs Being a Failure - The road to success

When you look at all the successful people, what stands out?  The fact that during their professional journey they all failed at one point or another.  Some of them focussed on one industry and tried until they got it right.  Others were more interested in owning their own business and when they found the right product or industry and the best way to find customers, they too were big successes.  The lesson learned here is never give up.  You don’t know if your success is just around the corner.
No one is successful without failure. The inventor Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” If you learn from your mistakes then you did not fail. You learned.

Chibok Principal for Commissioner of Education

Kashim Shettima

Borno state Governor, Kashim Shettima has denied appointing Mrs Asabe Kwambura, Principal of Government Secondary School, Chibok, state commissioner for education.
Isa Gusau, Special Adviser on Communications and Strategy to Governor Shettima said,
 ''In the last one week, we have noticed a very strange information being circulated by some online media platforms claiming that Governor Kashim Shettima of Borno State had nominated Mrs Asabe Kwambura, Principal of Government Secondary School, Chibok for the post of commissioner for education''.
''We completely ignored the story for what it was, a mischievous joke and cheap blackmail that didn’t deserve any response as it was mainly ‘trending’ on the social media.
''However, we noticed and most unfortunately, that in recent days, some otherwise respected F.M stations reported such a joke without even making the slightest attempt to cross check with officials in Borno State Government or at least, find out from journalists or media houses that have correspondents resident in Borno State who are in position to have accurate information about the activities of Governor Kashim Shettima and general happenings in the State.

Read more:
UNESCO, Ms Irina Bokova 

NAN Partners UNESCO To Educate 60, 000 women in Nigeria through e-learning

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) is partnering with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to educate 60, 000 Nigerian women through e-learning.
Rokhaya Diawara, UNESCO Programme Specialist on Education, said this when a delegation from the organisation paid a courtesy visit to the Managing Director of NAN, Mr Ima Niboro.
Diawara said the organisation was set to reach these women using television to broadcast because of its impact on the society.
She said that NAN was most appropriate to work with because of its wide reach.
Subject areas to be covered are: Basic Science, Mathematics and Computer.
According to her, the organisation has employed the services of experts from Dakar, Senegal, to help in the implementation of the programme.
She also said that the programme had been implemented in Senegal where it recorded huge success.
Niboro, in his response, commended UNESCO for its giant strides in ensuring education for women in Nigeria and Africa as a whole.
Represented by the Executive Director of Marketing, NAN, Mr Isaac Ighure, Niboro said an uneducated person was a liability to the whole world.
“It is always good to educate women because of their influence in the society.
“It is sad to neglect the education of the girl child, so, we should do whatever is to be done now to bring them at par with the boys.
“I know that with the support of the politicians this mission is achievable,’’ he said.
The managing director said the three subjects were good because Nigeria was in a hurry to develop technologically and that the partnership would help Nigeria reach a stage of self reliance.
He commended UNESCO for choosing to partner with NAN, saying it had a wider outreach, especially with the introduction of the NAN Television that kicked off recently.
He appealed to the organisation to look for a means of reaching the male child in the future.


Saturday 27 June 2015

Challenges Facing Lagos Educational System - Lagos NUT Boss

As Governor Akinwunmi Ambode settles down for work as governor of Lagos state, the state chairman of the Nigerian Union of Teachers, Comrade Segun Raheem, has listed the many challenges facing education in the state and in Nigeria.
Challenges Facing Lagos Educational System - Lagos NUT Boss
State chairman of the Nigerian Union of Teachers, Comrade Segun Raheem
Speaking with a correspondent, Lucky Vincent, the chairman lamented the proliferation of private schools in the country and suggested solutions to the current standard of education in the country.
Q: How would you rate the standard of education in Lagos State, especially with the immediate past government of Babatunde Fashola?
In the last eight years, the system of education has improved from where it was before the advent of the administration of Governor Babatunde Raji Fashola. At least, there was tremendous improvement from what it used to be in the past before the end of the administration. New structures were put in place.
Aside from that, policies were initiated in the area of quality control and assurance and improvement of welfare packages for teachers in the area of car loans, housing and things like that, and consistency of maintaining free education and capacity building for teachers generally has improved tremendously.
The introduction of EKO Project and injecting a lot of fund to the schools’ directors and managers to be able to manage what they actually need is commendable. Meeting their needs at the point of call has tremendously geared up the standard of education in Lagos State.


Friday 26 June 2015

How is the CLASS organized?

The year is running out, wise practitioners will think of revitalising and improving on their skills.
I am sure you have one or two things to gain from this article.

How is the CLASS organized?

The CLASS describes ten dimensions of teaching that are linked to student achievement and social development. Each of the ten dimensions falls into one of three broad categories: emotional support, classroom organization, and instructional support.
Emotional support refers to the ways teachers help children develop warm, supportive relationships, experience enjoyment and excitement about learning, feel comfortable in the classroom, and experience appropriate levels of autonomy or independence. This includes:
  • Positive climate — the enjoyment and emotional connection that teachers have with students, as well as the nature of peer interactions;
  • Negative climate — the level of expressed negativity such as anger, hostility or aggression exhibited by teachers and/or students in the classroom;
  • Teacher sensitivity — teachers’ responsiveness to students’ academic and emotional needs; and
  • Regard for student perspectives — the degree to which teachers’ interactions with students and classroom activities place an emphasis on students’ interests, motivations, and points of view.
Classroom organization refers to the ways teachers help children develop skills to regulate their own behavior, get the most learning out of each school day, and maintain interest in learning activities. This includes:
  • Behavior management — how well teachers monitor, prevent, and redirect misbehavior;
  • Productivity — how well the classroom runs with respect to routines, how well students understand the routine, and the degree to which teachers provide activities and directions so that maximum time can be spent in learning activities; and
  • Instructional learning formats — how teachers engage students in activities and facilitate activities so that learning opportunities are maximized.
Instructional support refers to the ways in which teachers effectively support students' cognitive development and language growth. This includes:
  • Concept development — how teachers use instructional discussions and activities to promote students’ higher-order thinking skills and cognition in contrast to a focus on rote instruction;
  • Quality of feedback — how teachers expand participation and learning through feedback to students; and
  • Language modeling — the extent to which teachers stimulate, facilitate, and encourage students’ language use.
Additional information about the CLASS is available at

Choosing a Preschool

Choosing a preschool for your child can be a tough decision! Friends and neighbors can be a good source of information, but it's important to do your own research too. Every child is different, and what works for one may not work for another. This is particularly true if you have a preschooler with special learning or behavior needs. The following three considerations can help you get a head start on finding the right setting for your preschooler.

Who teaches the children?

Quality preschools hire teachers with credentials. Well trained preschool teacher have taken classes in early childhood education which includes an understanding of how to nurture important foundational reading readiness skills. Besides formal training, a good preschool teacher displays a passion for working with young children. He or she forms close relationships with the students and families, shares their love and interest about books and learning, and manages the students and classroom in a caring way.

How do the children spend their time?

A good preschool classroom is a busy place! Students interact with lots of different kinds of materials, including building blocks and other construction materials, props for dramatic play, picture books, paints and other art materials, matching games, puzzles, and more. The daily routine and schedule should include whole-group time as well as other time during which kids can choose what they'd like to work on, and are able to work alone or in small groups.

How does the classroom look?

A preschool classroom should engage the students, spark their imaginations and make students curious about learning. The walls should display student art work and writing that is creative and interesting. Tabletops should include things that enrich what is being taught at that time. For example, if you visit the classroom during the spring, you might see a bird's nest, flowers, butterfly nets, and more. These real life objects in the classroom help teachers teach vocabulary and concepts more easily.
Some of the answers to these questions can be found by calling the school, but to really get a sense of it, you should schedule a visit and spend some time observing the teacher and the classroom. Preschool is an investment in your child's future, so take the time to find just the right one.

By: Reading Rockets

Teachers, I bet you'll find this handy.

Great Teachers Don't Teach

In The Classroom
Long past are the times when we teach content just in case a student might need it. A great teacher will devise a way to give the students an urgent reason to learn skills or knowledge and then let them show they have learned it by what they can do. This is called project-based learning.
A great teacher will keep the students wanting to come to school just to see what interesting things they will explore and discover each day. We call this inquiry.
The philosophy that supports such a great teacher is simple. Students learn best when they are in control of their learning. Students must do the heavy lifting of learning and nothing the teacher can say or do will change that. Real learning requires doing, not listening, or observing only. Yet what do we find in every public school and university? Teachers talking, talking and talking while students listen, daydream and doze. We call this lecture.
The word "teacher" implies the flow of knowledge and skills from one person to another. Whether it be a lecture, or a power point, it involves talking at the students. While that is commonly viewed as the quickest and easiest way to impart knowledge and skills, we all realize that it is not the most effective. Socrates had it right when he only answered a question with more questions and look what he produced -- some of the greatest minds that ever lived. We call this the Socratic method.
Yes, there are times when direct instruction is necessary, but only to be able to do something with that knowledge or skill, but a great teacher devises learning experiences that force all the students to be engaged much like being in the deep end of the swimming pool. Then the lesson on arm and leg strokes becomes relevant. To learn, the students must do something. We call this performance-based learning.

Taking Action

Returning to my original premise: great teachers do not teach. They stack the deck so that students have a reason to learn and in the process can't help but learn mainly by teaching themselves. This knowledge then becomes permanent and cherished rather than illusory and irrelevant.
In my book, Teaching Students To Dig Deeper: The Common Core in Action, I provide detailed ways to get students into the driver's seat and to get the teacher out of it. I also provide the teacher a reason to change the way they teach so they can in essence become let's say, "learning engineers" instead of "teachers."
How can you keep from teaching and promote true learning? Please share in the comment section below.
By Ben Johnson